Videos available

You might noticed already if you follow us on Twitter or Facebook but talk videos are now available on or if you go to Schedule and click on the talk you want to see.

Thanks again to all the speakers, sponsors and volunteers for making it happen.

Register for Contributor day

WordCamp Croatia Contributor day will happen on Sunday and will be held in Rijeka City hall, Korzo 16 (here’s a link to the map) starting at 10 AM.

We have 2 working groups. First will work on localization issues. People will learn how they can help localize WordPress to Croatian language, including themes, plugins, Codex and more. The other (advanced) group will learn how they can contribute to WordPress core, themes, plugins and more.

After Contributor day ends (at 2 PM) we recommend you grab some lunch and get back at 4 PM for a Walking tour of Rijeka (it is free and guided in English).

Register for Contributor day and Walking tour of Rijeka.

Jeste li spremni za radionice o WordPressu?

Ostala su nam još dva dana do same konferencije WordCamp Croatia te još dan do prvih radionica. Kako je najavljeno u rasporedu, u petak su planirane tri besplatne radionice i već sada mogu reći da je zanimanje za njih izvan svih naših očekivanja. Sada možemo i najaviti da će se radionice održati na Odjelu za informatiku Sveučilišta u Rijeci, Ulica Radmile Matejčić 2 (za one koji ne znaju gdje se to nalazi evo linka).

Inače, za sve radionice preporučujemo da ponesete svoj laptop i bilježnicu, kako biste mogli voditi bilješke. WiFi je osiguran u učionicama, a prema učionicama gdje će se održavati predavanja, uputiti će vas naši volonteri i volonterke. Continue reading Jeste li spremni za radionice o WordPressu?

Meet our hosts – Tomislav and Aleksandar

We’re days away from our first WordCamp Croatia and now the time has come to tell you more about our hosts, Croatian designers and stand up comedians – Tomislav (Koza) Kozačinski and Aleksandar (Aleks) Curać Šarić. For those of you who don’t know them, we conducted an interview with them so you could know them better.

Continue reading Meet our hosts – Tomislav and Aleksandar

Tickets announcement

We have one announcement today regarding tickets. As organizers, we decided that releasing extra tickets from the previously announced 250, would considerably complicate things from the organizational perspective. Because of that and the fact that we still have enough tickets left for anyone that wish to attend WordCamp Croatia, we won’t be adding any extra tickets.

In the meantime, we published the full schedule (including some workshops on Friday) and announced all the speakers. We also published thorough information for attendees and we’ll update it with more information soon. Looking forward to seeing you all in Rijeka for our first WordCamp Croatia.

And yes, with Autotrans (our Travel Partner) we arranged a discount of up to 35% for everyone who will be traveling to Rijeka by bus.

Informacije o kartama

Danas imamo jednu objavu vezanu za karte. Kao organizatori, odlučili smo da nećemo u prodaju puštati dodatne karte za WordCamp Croatia zato što bi nam to predstavljalo prilično velik organizacijski problem. U prilog tome govori i to da je još uvijek ostalo dovoljno karata za sve koji planiraju doći u Rijeku na prvi WordCamp Croatia.

U međuvremenu, objavili smo kompletan raspored (uključujući i radionice u petak, koje su otvorene za sve, bez obzira dolazite li na WordCamp ili ne). Također, možete vidjeti tko sve predaje na WordCampu (imamo zaista kvalitetnih predavača), a objavili smo i informacije za posjetitelje koje ćemo povremeno nadopunjavati s novim informacijama.

I da ne zaboravimo, u suradnji s Autotransom (našim Travel Partnerom), osigurali smo i popust do 35% za sve vas koji u Rijeku planirate doći autobusom.

Petya Raykovska and Lisa LaMagna – our two last speakers

We have finished selecting the speakers for the first WordCamp Croatia that will be held in the beautiful city of Rijeka, right on the Adriatic coast. Our two last speakers are Petya Raykovska (Senior Project Manager at Human Made and an active member of the WordPress community) and Lisa LaMagna (founder of LaMagna + Associates, a communications agency from San Francisco). Welcome girls :). Continue reading Petya Raykovska and Lisa LaMagna – our two last speakers

Get inspired by stories from our speakers at the panel “Working With WordPress”

How can we work with WordPress from our home, our country. The real question is – “can we work with WordPress and make a living out of it, work with worldwide clients and what do we need to do it?”. We will discuss this in our panel “Working With WordPress” where we will here different stories from Croatia, Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina and with a perspective from Daniel Pataki, editor on Smashing Magazine, who lives in Hungary.

People living in Croatia, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro and even Slovenia often think of themselves as difficult to work with worldwide clients. Thankfully, this image that we put into our heads is changing every day and we want to change it a bit more.

Our panelists will discuss their paths of working with WordPress and what impact WordPress had on their lives. Continue reading Get inspired by stories from our speakers at the panel “Working With WordPress”

Learn how to build forms with Formjack library and how to debugg WordPress

It’s time to announce one of the last speakers for WordCamp Croatia. In their talks we will cover how to build powerful forms in WordPress with the Formjack PHP library. This will be presented by its author, Domagoj Gojak. And there is yet another guy from Split – Ivan Blagdan, that will talk on how to debug in WordPress “when things get funky”. Funk is all the thing here in Croatia. 🙂 Continue reading Learn how to build forms with Formjack library and how to debugg WordPress

Learn about usability testing and how to work with WordPress VIP

We are announcing another two speakers today with talks about the importance of usability testing and a story how (one of the biggest websites in Croatia) has moved to WordPress VIP hosting. Continue reading Learn about usability testing and how to work with WordPress VIP